Wednesday, December 12, 2012

over the rainbow- Apofiss


First Days - Apofiss

Crystallized Dragon - Sandara

Aqua Panda - Apofiss

逆さ桜の界(Cherry industry upsideown)-fujiwara

正義の味方(Knight in Shining Armor) - Someya

森の彩壇(Dan Sai in the Forest) - 藤原Fujiwara

レトロ・箱世界Retro World Box -Fujiwara


The Cat of Bancho Mansion - Wa

Profile Street-Emukami

goodbye - 染谷(Someya)

Galactic Girl or woman galaxy-MaoMao

A night for lover~ - Vivid雨希(Rare Rain)

龍騎士(Ryuukishi-Dragon knight)

By Toshiaki Takayama

Aquae Arca



By foo*

Once Upon un October

By foo*

Sunday, October 28, 2012

One of the biggest inspirations in my life!

One of the biggest inspirations in my life that has lead me to want to do art as a career is the Final Fantasy Games. My "Dream Job" is to be a Video Game Concept Artist and I would love to work for a game company that produces works such as final fantasy or other such companies. I'm more inclined to the artsy looking more recent final fantasy games but I also love the older ones where the graphics are not so elaborate. but anyway BIG INSPIRATION!!! obviously currently my favorite one is Final Fantasy XIII, Lightning (the main character) is BAD ASS and BEAUTIFUL~!


I love dragons and I love japanese stuff... so you can see why I love this piece haha.

七色の希望 (Rainbow of Hope)

Art work by:
タカヤマトシアキ (Toshiaki Takayama)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Schin Loong

So I've been a huge fan of Schin Loong's art. Her digital painting is so beautiful with a painterly translucent quality that just fascinates me. I actually met her personally at a convention I went to.. I think it was Katsucon or AnimeUSA. I loved her artwork and finally got the courage to go talk to her at her booth. I actually asked her to sign one of my bags and she was hesitant at first, asking if it was ok to sign such a nice back, and I insisted. Well anyway I talked to her a bit after that and think that this blog would be perfect to share her art on. IT'S AMAZING~! (I actually still carry her business card in my wallet because its so beautiful~! haha stalker much?)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sinad Jaruartjanapat

Sinad Jaruartjanapat: 

Beautiful take on anime/manga style. I like how he(I assume) uses a combination of different mediums, a mix of digital and traditional.
Here's a link to his Website:


I love this Artist and felt I had to share more of her artwork:
 Okami: Amaterasu and Chibiterasu
 Human version of Amaterasu from the video game Okami
Princess Mononoke

As I said in an earlier post, their digital painting is just breathtaking~!

Come To Life

Come To Life by Sakimichan
Beautiful colors, the concept is amazing and I love the paint work. I remember when I was asked as a kid what my superpower would be I always said the power to make anything I draw come to life. I'm a huge fan of this artist's work. Their digital painting is breathtaking.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


さよなら世界(Goodbye World)by ポ~ン (literally po-n)

I absolutely love the perspective and the colors. Since my troubles with foreshortening I've gained a high respect for it now. I also love the comic book look, that is achieved besides it being manga. 


蝴蝶夢(Butterfly Dream) by Seeker

Beautiful contrast. It's interesting how the death side is just as interesting and almost beautiful as the other side. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Internet Cats

So recently I received an email from my dad's cousin, who I call aunt, well anyway it was about an article featured in the times about a cat video film festival. This made me laugh and giggle, being a cat lover it definitely peaked my interest. I thought I might share it, it is a film festival which is art! YAY CATS~!


Red by たく(Taku)
I don't know why but I always love seeing the brush strokes, of course this is digitally painted, but that unfinished or texturized look that the digital brush leaves has always been appealing to me. I am guessing this is Princess Mononoke, judging by the earrings, face paint and necklace.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


ふわふわ  by Comet
The title reads "fuwa fuwa" which basically means fluffy. I believe this is an alpaca, adorable~! The way the artist paints the fur really makes you want to hug the alpaca as well. 


無題(Untitled) by (non, not)

The masks and colors and overall a bit of creepiness really pulls me in. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

羽 by 正輝
Another beautiful piece by this particular artist. So this time I looked up the meaning of the title, the character means feather, which is an appropriate name for the piece. I love how the feathers curl up and the hair sort of blends into the feathers. I also like the blank sort of creepy expression on the figure. A very nice piece.

B&W P5 by 正輝
Image taken from pixiv. I love the colors and even though I can't read this artist's name I still really love their work. I recognize one of their names characters as the character for stop. haha