Sunday, October 28, 2012

One of the biggest inspirations in my life!

One of the biggest inspirations in my life that has lead me to want to do art as a career is the Final Fantasy Games. My "Dream Job" is to be a Video Game Concept Artist and I would love to work for a game company that produces works such as final fantasy or other such companies. I'm more inclined to the artsy looking more recent final fantasy games but I also love the older ones where the graphics are not so elaborate. but anyway BIG INSPIRATION!!! obviously currently my favorite one is Final Fantasy XIII, Lightning (the main character) is BAD ASS and BEAUTIFUL~!


I love dragons and I love japanese stuff... so you can see why I love this piece haha.

七色の希望 (Rainbow of Hope)

Art work by:
タカヤマトシアキ (Toshiaki Takayama)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Schin Loong

So I've been a huge fan of Schin Loong's art. Her digital painting is so beautiful with a painterly translucent quality that just fascinates me. I actually met her personally at a convention I went to.. I think it was Katsucon or AnimeUSA. I loved her artwork and finally got the courage to go talk to her at her booth. I actually asked her to sign one of my bags and she was hesitant at first, asking if it was ok to sign such a nice back, and I insisted. Well anyway I talked to her a bit after that and think that this blog would be perfect to share her art on. IT'S AMAZING~! (I actually still carry her business card in my wallet because its so beautiful~! haha stalker much?)